Weight Loss Buddy

I’m going to join in and race you to health! Currently 33 kg to lose. Resting my knee so can’t properly exercise (not even yoga stretches) but looking forward to restarting the exercise soon. It is a great way to wake up in the morning.




Two weeks mark

Well yesterday was the day before the “2 weeks mark” and after not seeing my work colleagues for that period of time I felt quite accomplished that one of them remarked that I look thinner, I blamed University and the stress 😁 avoiding the “I’m on a diet” subject because it’s really not a diet, more of a new way of life. I think that’s the mentality you have to have when you go into something like this, because it’s for life, you can’t just stop when you reached your desired weight is about maintaining your weight.

University on the go

Today I face the task of bringing food along with me in this unbearable heat 10 am and it has reached 25C -_- It is very inconvenient to carry a bottle of yogurt with you because it could go bad with the heat… These are hard times so maybe winging it a bit and taking fruit and water with me will have to do… In the heat with the ridiculous amounts I have to walk I’m gonna end up sun burned 😦

So if anyone has any tips on foods that survive the heat I’ll be glad to get them !

  – B out!

University and keeping fit

This is a task, I really have to focus on keeping focused on the food I’m going to be ingesting, then surrounded by friends who are all more than willing to share and practically force feed you what they have because it’s too much for them… I’m not a bin! ha-ha So I took as my lunch an apple, unsweetened hibiscus water.

You say why so little? well I had already had breakfast and lunch, a fitness coach told me you have to start your day with a strong meal, then a smaller portion and the last meal of the day had to be miniscule and before 7pm so there I am in my 5 minute break trying to eat a fist size apple ha-ha.

To all out there, good luck and lunch!

-B … out

New beginning

So it is Sunday today and we’re a week in to this life changing ritual. I have started with moderating my entire way of eating to no greases, flour, potatoes and fried foods.

And when something like those types of delicious foods are somehow no longer in your grasp… You think about them a lot which makes it harder to resist them, that’s why it’s healthy to keep busy!

“The busy bee has no time for sorrow”
-Ernest Hemingway

So to everyone out there, the biggest step is getting started.
